Schneider Electric

TapToConnect platform


Schneider Electric is a global leader in energy management and automation solutions, serving customers in over 100 countries. As part of their marketing efforts, the company needed a way to manage all their contact details in one place, accessible to all team members.


Schneider Electric's challenge was to find an easy-to-use platform that would allow them to store all their contact details in one place, with the ability to manage and update the information as needed.


TapToConnect provided Schneider Electric with an online platform that allowed them to create and manage all their contact details in one place, within one account. The platform provided an easy-to-use interface and the ability to customize their NFC-enabled business cards.


With the help of TapToConnect's platform, Schneider Electric was able to streamline their contact management process, saving time and improving efficiency. The NFC-enabled business cards provided a unique and innovative way to share their contact information with potential customers, helping the company stand out in a crowded marketplace.


Leads generated


Happy employees


Trees saved

We were impressed with TapToConnect's platform and their customer support team. The platform was easy to use and helped us to achieve our goals of streamlining our contact management process and improving our marketing strategy with the use of NFC-enabled business cards. We would highly recommend TapToConnect to any business looking for a comprehensive contact management and NFC-enabled business card solution.

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